05 May Are car magnets a good idea for me?
Car magnets can be on of the quickest ways to brand your vehicle. Their versatility allows you to decide when or where you put them on. We are amazed by the number of people who even in their own neighborhoods have people who don’t know what type of business they are in. This is great way to get the word out to those people who are “close” to you. Even better is the pricing. Magnets average in price around $75.00, so you can outfit your office if want to.
The limitations of vehicle of magnets are the amount of space you have available to put information on. A standard size is 12″ x 24″. So you have to be choosey when it comes to asking yourself “what’s my message” We can not tell you the number of times clients want to make their phone number so big that you lose the name of the business. I always ask my clients, “when was the last time you called a company because the phone number was really big”. In this day and age, people get exposed to the brand and if it “affects” them they do their research on the internet. So present your business in an appealing manner and impress your market and your neighbors, with your brand.